[논문 초록]

이 연구는 일제강점기 북경의 한인유학생들이 경험한 교육과정, 학사일정, 학습활동 등을 파악하고 교내외 자치조직 및 언론활동을 통해 진행된 근대 학문・사상의 수용 양상을 이해하는데 목적이 있다. 북경지역은 청말부터 서양 학문・사상의 유입구로, 신문화운동을 거치면서 신사조의 배양지 겸 전시장이었다. 1920년대부터 북경의 국공립 및 사립대학들은 독자적인 교과과정과 학풍아래 근대 지식인을 양성하였다. 1910년대 중반부터 시작되어 1920년대 들어 급증한 북경의 한인유학생들은 1937년까지 270여 명으로 파악되는데 주로 북경대・민국대・평민대・조양대 등 대학 본과나 예과와 고급 중학에서 수학하였다. 이들은 교육과정뿐만 아니라 인적교류와 과외활동을 통해 근대 의식과 생활을 체험하면서 자연스럽게 서양의 학문・사상을 접촉, 수용하였다. 또한 이들은 각종 조직 활동을 통해 친목 도모와 경제지원, 독립운동 참여 등을 실행하였고, 『넋』・『새조선』・『신인물』・『정의공보』 등의 기관지를 발행하여 신사상을 전파하였다. 이렇듯 북경의 한인유학생들은 체계적인 학사관리, 폭넓은 자치권의 보장, 다양한 과외활동 등을 경험하며 신지식인으로 성장하였다. <주제어> 일제강점기, 북경한인유학생, 북경대, 민국대, 북경조선유학생회, 무정부주의, 사회주의, 공산주의일제강점기 중국유학은 근대 지식의 수용뿐만 아니라 자유와 평등, 자율과 책임 등을 체험하고 이해하는 시공간이었다. 다만 북경과 상해 한인학생들의 시국인식 및 독립운동의 방향이 서로 달랐는데 유학 현지에서 접촉한 한인지도자들의 영향을 크게 받은 것으로 보인다. 중국 정치의 중심이며 학술의 본산인 북경을 유학지로 택한 한인학생들은 지적 연마보다 변용된 서양 학문・사상을 수용하여 식민지 현실을 타파하고 독립・자유의 새로운 세상을 만들기 위한 실천적 모색과 투쟁에 집중한 것으로 이해된다.

The purpose of this study is to apprehend the curriculum, the academic calendar, and the course works of the schools that Korean students in Beijing attended and to understand the aspects of Korean students absorbing modern sciences and thoughts through their self-governing associations in and out of school and media activities. Higher educational institutions in Beijing area functioned as a representing inlet for the western sciences and thoughts since the Qing- Republic transition. Especially throughout the New Culture Movement and May 4th Movement Beijing became a new culture ground and exhibition center for new western sciences and thoughts. Since the 1920’s, public and private universities in Beijing got into shape as universities and trained new intellectuals with their own curriculums and academic traditions. Korean Students in Beijing, first appearing in the 1910’s and upsizing drastically in the 1920’s, were counted 270 some by 1937; and most of them were studying in either main courses or preparatory courses of Beijing University, Minguo University, Pingmin University, Chaoyang University, and so on, or in high-middle schools. Korean students in Beijing, experiencing modern senses and life-styles not only in regular curriculums but also through socializing and extracurricular activities, absorbed western sciences and thoughts and intellectually grew within them. Through various associations such as Joseon Student Union, Korean Student Union, and Joseon Student Club, they promoted friendship, achieved economic support, and participated in independence movement. Those associations published newspapers and journals such as Neork, New Joseon, New People, and Jeonguigongbo, spreaded new sciences and thoughts throughout the entire Korean society there. Korean students studying in Beijing, experiencing western academic administration, wide-range self-determination and self-governing, and various research systems and extra-curricular activities, mastered modern social consciousness. Their lives of studying abroad were the spatio-temporal experiences to understand the western modernity such as liberty, equality, autonomy, and responsibility. Also, the geo-political, historical and intellectual differences between Beijing and Shanghai influenced the social awareness and the directions of independence movement of the Korean societies in the two cities. It was because those young Korean students who went to China to study during the period of Japanese occupation by force did not have elaborate plans for studying and for their future. Korean students’ studying in Beijing was not just simply the intellectual training to learn new sciences and thoughts but more likely the practical searches and struggles to achieve the new independent and equal world which overcame the dark colonial reality by absorbing the sinified western modern knowledges.